Monologue (Hermes)

on Sunday, July 28, 2013

     I'm going to be Hermes for our Monologue in CAE class. I had a hard time writing my script and I hope this is alright. This goes more or less one minute. I'm going to perform on Tuesday already and I'm kinda nervous. I have to practice more!

"This is unfair! I’m a god just like the rest of them but I always get the grunt work, the mindless labor, and I never say a word! I get up early then I spend the whole day rushing Zeus’ messages back and forth, up and down. It’s not enough that I’m busy all day delivering Zeus’ proclamations, the dead must have their share of me too. Oh, I remember that time when daddy Zeus sent me on a mission to save Persephone from the underworld! That was an extremely creepy journey. Then when I went all the way to get there, Hades wouldn’t give in! So I had to think fast and make a deal. And yeah, I guess Demeter was cool with it. If you were in my place, I’m sure you would find my job pretty hard. So that’s me, Hermes! The son of Zeus and Maia. The messenger of the gods and leads the souls of the dead into the afterlife. Now you’ve heard my story in Greek Mythology, let’s see what story I can bring to your time today as your modern-day mailman! Better check your mailboxes!"


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